Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post No. 1

Well, I've finally done it! I'm blogging. This blog is for me really. Glad to have you along on this adventure in gratitude if you want to come with me. I'll be posting twice weekly about things that I'm grateful for. I'm guessing most posts will be ordinary things that I find somehow important for some reason or another. Probably won't be too many profound posts, but maybe occasionally I'll come up with something really good.
Right now I'm grateful for beautiful snow. We got a bunch of snow today and although it is almost midnight, it is so light out that I thought about going for a walk, but I didn't really want to go alone and Nellie is already sleeping. We probably got 7 or 8 inches. I shoveled this morning, but by about 10pm when I took out the trash it was obvious that I'll be shoveling again tomorrow morning. That's ok with me. It is very beautiful.